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Is the bitcoin file format copyrighted?

While certain file formats can be protected by copyright, the bitcoin file format lacks the "content" required for Wright to claim and enforce intellectual property rights, High Court Judge James Mellor ruled Tuesday.

Can Craig Wright claim copyright for bitcoin?

Click here to take our survey. Law360, London (February 8, 2023, 7:44 PM GMT) -- A London court has ruled that self-proclaimed bitcoin inventor Craig Wright cannot claim copyright for the file format used in the cryptocurrency's system, as the computer scientist gears up to try to take blockchain operators to task in a broader rights dispute.

Can a bitcoin file be a literary work?

In a Tuesday ruling, Judge James Mellor said the file format of Bitcoin – the sequence of a header and list of transactions that together form a block – can’t be treated like a literary work because Wright can’t show how they were first recorded, a test known in copyright law as "fixation."

Will Ulbricht make any legal claims to the bitcoins seized?

Court filings in the Individual X case include a statement from Ulbricht saying he will not make any legal claims to the nearly 70,000 Bitcoins seized from the mystery individual.

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